Gladman Application goes before Planning Committee - UPDATE

Gladman Development Proposal

Update to this article, 25th Feb 15 - the Officer's report has now been published and is "minded to approve". This does not, of course, mean the the Planning Committee will approve the application. It DOES make it more imperative that there is lots of support for our objection - meeting starts 10am at the Town Hall Monday 2nd March.


Gladman's planning application for a development of up to 150 houses on Preston Road just on the Longridge edge of the Village is on the agenda for PCC's Planning Committee on Monday 2nd March, hearing starting at 10am.

It was with some frustration that we read that the Officer's Report is "to follow" - meaning that it was not published with the agenda last week. We have enquired as to why this is the the case and been advised that it is due to the Officer waiting for a reply from LCC's Highways department.

We have registered to speak at the Planning Committee - but it is going to be difficult to prepare for this without being able to read the Officer's report - and not even know if the recommendation is for refusal or approval.

We would very much welcome all support at the Planning Committee. Any members of the public can attend - Monday March 2nd, 10am, Town Hall. We encourage as many of you as possible to come along to show your opposition to this proposal.


Full details of the planning application can be seen on the City Council's Website.